Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Perpetuating the lie...........

there is a nasty rumor that it is always raining in Washington state....it is true...........or at least a lot of Washingtonians would have you believe...well not a lot but maybe some.......we have been here almost 19 years and it has grown by leaps and bounds since we have been here :) And in an effort to keep more people from moving here...well someone must have started the lie cuz there are days like this too...wish I could have caught the blue of the sky cuz this isn't even close....it was a beautifully blue...tried to fix it on some software but couldn't catch it with that wtithout making it look way fake...so trust me on how blue it was

Instead of enjoying the sun outside I have been playing in my room.....I can see the sun does that count????
Had a friend who wanted me to do a blanket with the name of her great niece? to be...she bought so much extra material that I made a couple of burp cloths too

had to include all of the bunny to make it count

and then sewed these together...using a handy dandy binding tool.......or at least that is how you make the strips and then sew them together...I am such a non-waster of fabric that I couldn't cut off the top and bottom to make a straight line.....so my ingenuity kicked in and I sewed the two strips together and then cut them from that.......so that there are straight edges without any wasted material....aren't I clever?

tomorrow want to get some material for the strips in the middle and sides.............oh and just had a binding idea..........yikes my brain isn't gonna sleep tonight :)


paulette said...

The same rumour is floating around about Vancouver Island...it rains night and day...you REALLY don't want to live here...and there are nuts and raisins living here too....haha
Cute quilts...what a nice friend!!

marie said...

The same is true for Oregon--it ALWAYS rains here.