Friday, April 8, 2011

Today's pics

Got a few pics of the newbies today.....want to put pics up on my website of the sable as she is in need of a grooming and all those tips will be gone after the cut :( But right now she is brushed out and looking very cute :)
Her name from the breeder is Finnegan but I am thinking of changing it to Reese???

this girl can run like the wind...she loves to play chase with the other dogs...and if I throw a ball she is the only one that will bring it back...wassup with that? all the others will run to the ball but no one has the brains to pick it up and bring it back so I can throw it again :)

I am so not a class goer.... I prefer to learn mostly by trial and error but I signed up for a three week class...YIKES! Usually I am way done before others are half done so it is frustrating to sit there and wait :) HA! But Cathy told me it is a self paced class so am gonna try it...what I really want to learn is the technique of combining embroidery designs....I will try and get a pic of the quilt that actually convinced me to get my machine instead of a long arm...and I must admit I am having fun playing with it...altho it is computer driven and likes to 'burp' every once in a while and do something it shouldn't or not do something it should :)

but there is a possibility that it is operator error too....just saying............


paulette said...

SEW....I think you should do a tutorial of your class...take your camera and take pics of the different steps...that way we get to take the class with you!! I will sit right behind you....:o)
The pups are adorable!! Also just in case you didn't and white pups are WAY smarter...just sayin'!

Jeanne said...

Cute puppies! Giggled when I read the one was the only one that would play fetch. We had a dog like that once. I agree, wassup with that? LOL We had our dog groomed last week, but I wasn't home when they took him in. I wanted a picture before he went because he was wayyyy overdue. No one did though. :( I swear it looks like he lost a ton of weight because he's so fluffy when his hair grows out.

Enjoy your class!