I have a friend, Paulette....she is very very very bad for me...well not really but I spend hours not only looking at her blog,
SweetP, but also the blogs she follows...mind you most of these I don't follow myself but that doesn't stop me from following virtually....or should I say...take a bunch of time :) My pastor was just saying something about making sure you take a rest day...I don't think I take a 'full' day resting but I do find moments each day to rest...albeit at my computer either through facebook or blogging...but to me it is rest and enjoyment....not exactly sure that is what he meant but it works for me ;)
Now on to what I actually was going to blog about today....another giveaway...again thanks Paulette for turning me on to this site...have already ordered fabric from this store but right now they are giving away 4 patterns from Cluck, Cluck, Sew...yep aonther contest.....one of the ways to win is to blog about it.....soooooo......here is the link to
Burgundy Buttons and a possibility of winning these four patterns......go check
them out at Burgundy Buttons

hum...maybe I shouldn't have posted..that is just more competition for me....darn ;)
Listening to your Pastor is a good thing!! You keep right on doing it!! haha
Good luck in the give away...I think there can be more than one winner...so we may both win!! :o)
Take care!
Like you I try really hard to find that day of rest. I spend Sundays after church (most of the time) clipping coupons or going through mail or some other quiet chore. I sit, which isn't the norm for me! But during the week I spend more time than I should reading blogs. However, I find it is a kind of ministry....I make an effort to cheer someone up if they're down, or cheer them on if they're working hard on a project. It's amazing how many people are grateful for a quick word of prayer said for them. blessings, marlene
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