Friday, June 4, 2010

Yippee Skippee!

4:30 pm
Why is it a "watched pot never boils"? What makes time move so slow when you are waiting for something from UPS? I swear we are the last stop on the route...when the man in brown (or woman as the case may be) lifts their coffee cup up in a toast and heads home...or as we used to say..."Home, James, and don't forget to eat the horses"...that is what my son would say :) The quote is actually something way different than I had heard before...even with what I thot it was I was way off...somehow "Home, James. and don't forget to feed the horses" was even way off...the original quote was part of a song... "Home James and don't spare the horses" each has a way different meaning...ah but i digress
Have been patiently (well not really) waiting for the UPS truck to make its quite noisy stop at my house daughter got her delivery early today and I still wait, and wait, and then wait some more! Soon.........alas!
5:10 pm
Still no Brown :(
5:40 brown!!!
Yippee Skippee....they are here! Crazy UPS lady kinda threw the box on the porch which freaked me out but I am thinking it is ok...geez...not my precious cargo getting battered in the final stages of its crazy trip here from New York..can you believe it was in Washington and then they flew the package to Portland???? Crazy!
Anyway.....on to the pictures of this very long and crazy post (I really do need to get a life...or borrow one from someone who has one :)
Cody with the 50mm lens...good but????

what I have been waiting on for four days now......woohoo!

in case you aren't bored already.... :) got another one of these babies cuz my other camera had one and I gave it to someone leaving me without the basic lens

but this is the puppy that i was waiting go to first one met with a little accident that left me without my good lens and no basic lens either.....

now for the pictures taken with the go to :)

had to laugh when I saw this one....Piper...crazy girl

Piper much more sedate chewing on the branch :)

Lucy Lou...don'tcha just love her coloring

and Cassidy not hopin along :)

Well that is it for my to go snap a few with my new lens :)

1 comment:

Jeanne said...

I completely understand your frustration at having to wait so long for your packages. And to see what you ordered, I'm double impressed you didn't jump into the truck to find it! LOL

Your puppies are so flipping cute, I almost can't stand it! That one of Lucy Lou is just fabulous. Not that the others aren't adorable, but that one just jumped out at me the most. Love it!

Enjoy your new goodies!!