Saturday, June 12, 2010

Happy Birthday to you!

I can't believe that my Cody is almost a year old...later this month is his actual big day but had groomed him and then took some pics of him...this close up makes you see the places I need to go back with my scissors and clip a bit more to make it a bit more even...but then I am not a trained professional groomer so...........

Here he is standing waiting for something to eat probably :)

I have the best yard for my dogs...they love to run all around it and you can see that they hardly take any space up when running verses how much space they have to run....I my yard

Cody flying...have a pic similar to this with Grace catching some air too ;)

My guard dog...he keeps the yard bird free...well he tries to...and now he is into mole hunting...saw him out there the other day with his nose to the ground...he must have been following one cuz of the pattern he was following...and by that pattern it looked like the mole was confused in its underground tunnel trying to get away from that thing above the surface chasing it :) Or there was a mole nest that he disturbed and he couldn't figure out who to follow :)

Mindy Sue...oh so don't want to groom her and cut off those black tips. She isn't getting as big as I expected of her...but then her mom, grandmother and father are all pretty small.

Her favorite toy is this sock

Piper...she is the coolest dog :)

Mama Grace taking a break from the little life suckers

Mindy and her coat of many colors

Lucy....needing a haircut ...on the bangs at least :)

Happy Birthday, Cody boy.....may you continue to be the great dog that you are with many more wonderful days of satisfying the ladies

Thanks Pam for such a great guy! He is a real love!

1 comment:

Jeanne said...

Cody sure is handsome after his grooming. I just smile when I look at his his eyebrows and goatee! Little Mindy looks like a love. Well, they all do, that is for sure. You do have an awesome backyard for your pooches! They look so happy and carefree. Gotta love that!

Thanks for sharing!