In unpacking, I found a furry little critter in a box....I thot it was a mouse but I am thinking more of chipmunk? Anyway by the way it smelled, it hadn't been that long that it was there...not sure what it is but it looks like it has two tails :) for the after pics...things still need to be rearranged a bit but all the boxes have been gone through..except

...except for the two top shelves which are Christmas (go through them later) :)
the other side of the garage...

the same side but a different view...I can even get to the dog pens now ;)

this is the before picture of the last wall....didn't do much on the food shelves but the pile of stuff in the right hand side of the picture is processed

here is the finished wall done.....hurray I am finished in the on to the house :)