Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Slumber Parties

Not every one gets a chance to have an extended slumber party where you are the only guest and you get attention lavished upon you...and are even taught a few new things while you are there ;)
Cassidy has been having one such time of her life. She is visiting the Thrones while they await the time when they can bring their new baby home. Their daughter put this collage together of Cassidy and I just had to share it cuz it was so cute and so well done... :) They are going to be really sad when it is time to bring Cassidy back ..but it will be short lived when they take their little guy home.


Anonymous said...

Very kewl.. I want to know how she did that..hehe Cassidy looks beautiful!

Jeanne said...

Oh so sweet! Love the idea of a puppy slumber party! the pictures are so sweet!

Hey...you changed your blog! I just noticed today, so please forgive me if it's been done for a bit. Love the new header. And that first picture on the sidebar is hysterical. Great job!

Eirin the fishspanker said...

OMFG, so cute! c: