Saturday, May 29, 2010

Out with the old....

Ah...I contemplate, and stew, and think, and over-think when I make a major all that to say it has been in my thots for over a year or two to replace the frig we have with one that can actually function well for us. See even in my "sloppiness" I am a very organized person...I do like things in their place and a place for things...does that mean they always get returned to the place where they are supposed to be??? No...but at least I know they do have a spot to return to when the spirit moves me to move them :)
So I continued my research on a new frig and finally narrowed it down to two models from different manufactures. Both had some pros and some cons but I took the "boss" (ha-ha!!) with me to make him feel like he had a part in the choice. (Gotta do something to make him feel important ) Of course even tho I had asked a ton of questions--even some in anticipation of what he would ask--he still had more questions...
Needless to say we bought a new frig yesterday and it gets delivered tomorrow...yep on a Sunday they are bringing it....that means I have to clean the one I am giving them but it will be easier to do that when they give me the call that says what time they are going to be here with the new one...I am gonna have so much room that it is going to look like we have no food in the house ;)
This baby is probably 18cubic feet...not too bad for two people but................

You can see that we are packed in there and you really can't see what is there and things get pushed to the back. In the effort to eat more healthy you can't see that there are fruits in the back...and sometimes things have spoiled cuz they get "forgotten". The drawer on the bottom holds things that you don't need often cuz you can't open the drawer wide enough to make it useful.

So stay tuned for tomorrow's entry when you see the new and improved organized fridg...can't wait :)

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