Wednesday, May 12, 2010 one more time :)

I really have this soft spot for my girls when they ask me something...well not everything but some of these things (that they get me almost every time) is when there is need for someone they know or some thing they believe in to chip in and do some thing. So once again I got a call asking me if I could make some doll clothes for an silent auction to help a local boy with leukemia. I can't imagine what the parents of this little boy are going through much the less the hospital bills that will be incurred trying to find something that will cure him.
So out came my sewing machine, well actually it is always out, and I whipped up a few outfits for the auction. I need to get my bottom in gear and make some to have on hand so when I get the next call I have something ready :) HA! like that is going to happen :)

I Love this one :) there is a local on-line mostly quilt shop that has a bin with remnants..the day I was there I picked up a bunch for dirt cheap...this is one of the pieces and it made into this jumper so cute!!! (if I do say so myself :)

Another one of the pieces I go...made this sunsuit and then had enough to make a pair of panties....wanted them to be more like bloomers but didn't have quite enough so the shorter panties worked...

I did actually have this already made to add to the batch. Started to make a skirt and sweater but had to rip the skirt out so gave up and put this into the pack

and the proverbial the deep blue of this piece...once again one of the pieces I got on my shopping trip to Over the Rainbow :)

The last piece was put together at the last minute...just a quick skirt and the blouse from the jumper for one more quick outfit :)

here they are all together in a metal suitcase that I am going to give them too :)


Janet Paradiso said...

Your doll clothes are absolutely beautiful.

jchollar said...

THANK YOU MOM!!! So glad you have a soft spot :) xoxo

Jeanne said...

You know why they ask you right? Because your work is flipping awesome! WOW!! I love each and every piece you made. I have to admit though that the first one you showed is my favorite. It can't be all that easy to make doll clothes, but do it well! You're awesome!