Sunday, January 16, 2011

not so faux fur

I like to take the pups individually and sit with them...this sweet girl was the one that won out today for some alone time :) At first she was sitting nicely in my lap and then she crawled up on my shoulder and fell asleep...brings new meaning to fur collars :)

while i was down loading the top picture off my phone I saw that I had taken this one typically male at my house...the heater was on and Cody was sprawled in front of the heater soaking up the warmth....if the heater is on you can count on Cody being in front of it...hum...kinda sounds like my husband..........but he doesn't assume this position ;)


Jeanne said...

Oh gosh, both pictures are absolutely adorable! What a love in the first one and what a hoot in the second!

Thanks for sharing!

Oh and what is that penguin game(for the wii) you talked about on my blog? I've never heard of it, but it sounds like a blast.

Have a great start to your week.

Dawn said...

hey, girlfriend....thanks for stopping by..These doggies are so cute!!!!! Your blog looks great!