Saturday, July 9, 2011

We interupt this irregularly scheduled program.....

Have been posting a lot of quilts lately....figured I would take a break and put some puppy pictures in here instead of quilts today.
This is Spencer right after I got him.....he was enjoying the yard and running all over the was hard to get a picture of him at first cuz he was always on the move.

Here he is now sleeping on his favorite bed...can't wait to see what color he ends up when he is grown up...........

Here is Zoey and the way Zoey is using Bailey as her pillow ;) These two have a love/hate relationship...well not exactly but they are always trying to tell the other that they are on top of the other in pecking order :) It is really quite funny...
They don't look like this anymore tho as both got a summer shave and are quite naked now

and this one is for comic relief...well if you understand what is going on here....
Cassidy is the one sitting....Grace is the one laying...there are puppies in the pen........they are Cassidy's pups and Grace is letting them guess is that is what started her labor altho I am really not sure...but right after I took this picture and got Grace out so Cass could take care of her pups...well...I saw that Grace was in much for my getting to bed at a decent hour that night :) Bet Cass was glad to have her pups back as her own....crazy the way my dogs will share their pups with each other.

Thanks for indulging me while I talk about my dogs instead of quilts :)

1 comment:

paulette said...

Anytime!!! Love looking at your pooches!! So sweet and more on the way!! Yeah...that means puppy pictures will be coming up shortly!!