Sunday, July 17, 2011

Another Double

Got another set done...actually got four of these done...each a bit different but only quilted these two. Figured I would turn them in and then do the others in a bit...
Lost my mojo today...have time to quilt and can't figure out what pattern to using simple to get the project done............sigh................

here is a close up of the quilt pattern I used

but I did order two books...didn't even try Joann's cuz wasn't sure they would have them...they are simple patterns with the ugliest combos of fabrics but the quilts themselves are very good...somewhere I have both of those books but they aren't where I can find them which means I probably loaned them out :(


paulette said...

OMGosh...they are stunning!! You are getting better and better with your quilting!! The quilting motif is perfect for these quilts!! You will be quilting for others soon!! :o)
You are a dynamo!

♥ Mary Janes TEAROOM said...

Beautiful work are inspiring me to get on my machine!
Hope you have a great week ahead,
Susan x