Friday, July 22, 2011


Went looking for a quilt that I had done and couldn't find it...that must mean that I have given it to someone and can't remember who :) Oh well...but in the process I found these gems....three of them already done and one that need quilting.......hum.......maybe old timers is really setting in bad! :)

Loved doing the stack and whacks....this one is bright and fun....Hippos and Elephants and........???

close up of a couple of the blocks....blurry of course so that you really can't tell that they are...think the wind was blowing when I took the picture

another one...Attic Windows Bee style...........funny how you can't see the pattern as well with the eye but through the eye of the camera they pop out :)

Close up of the doesn't that just make you smile???

and this one...I swore I sent this to my niece when she had her baby...Her baby is now almost 10....

close up of the blocks....

and then there is this one not complete...the top is done but the sandwiching has not started. These are really dark tones set off in white and really kind of cool....again the camera isn't catching the color tones for real...darn it

here is a better shot that gives more of the color tones...altho it is really purple tones instead of blue...good thing I don't want to be a professional photographer when I grow up :)

1 comment:

paulette said...

Wow!!! And to think that these beauties have been laying around your closet for 10 years...ouch!! SEW glad you found them!! Happy stitching!