Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Cement leaves :)

One of the perks of having puppies and finding good homes for them is that sometimes along the way people bring you "gifts". A nice family from Canada came and got their puppy and brought along these cement leaves....she had a name for them and darn if I can remember what it was. They haven't found their final resting place yet but wanted to get a picture of them for my pic of the day....

details of one up close

Paulette...if you read this let me know the name of the technique that you told me for these :)


Jeanne said...

Those are very cool looking! They must be somewhat heavy, too. I'd help you out if I knew the name of the technique, but I don't, so I can't.

It'll be interesting to hear and see where they end up...

Anonymous said...

Go to to see more fossil cement leaves