Monday, February 11, 2008

Can you count to 16?????

What a day it has been...well it actually started last night when I called one of the dogs to come to bed and she wouldn't come. I knew that my other dog was in labor and I wanted to get some extra shut eye before she started having pups...Well found Gracie under the chair..when I tried to pull her out there was a puppy squeaking......Without any signs of labor at all she was having her pups first..she didn't want to be outdone by her "sisters". So an hour and half later she had 7 puppies to her credit without breaking a how come I couldn't deliver one that easy? Meanwhile, Lexie is still panting so we got Gracie and pups settled for the night and because Hattie might be in the first stages of labor also they all slept in my room....I kept an open ear for Lexie just knowing she was going to wait till I finally fell asleep and then get me up...well I dog-napped for the evening and finally got up at 4am to see the first sac coming...took another 2 hours to get that puppy out and several more hours to have the 4 total she once again I settled mom and pups and went to my WW meeting...well guess what I came home to...You got it...Hattie had delivered one pup in the pen with all the other dogs while I was gone the hour.....Well about 5 hours later Hattie finished with her last one so she had 5 count them ...that is 16 puppies within less than 24 hours....And to make things much more fun...the guys were here to install my laminate floor today with their saws and hammers.....Yikes..can you say CRAZY??!!!!!!!!!!!!


Jeanne said...

I'll say that is so wild! What a full day, night and all that you have had.

Congrats to all the "mommas" and to you.

I can't imagine what that must have been like. WILD!

Kari said...

Are you kidding me?! What a day!!! Sounds to me like you've got your hands full for a while ;) Congrats to you on all of the deliveries!