Thursday, March 17, 2011


JACKPOT two packages in the mail...amazingly my mail-lady got them both in the box....and I was able to get them out ...both feats that shouldn't have been accomplished.

what was in the packages :) can't wait to play...and then quilt :)

just had to show the luscious colors of this roll

I have two templates...not prone to buy them I saw the tutorials on them and thot...hum....that would be what else could I do?

these pens were from Paulette...(thanks Paulette :p ) they are supposed to disappear with the touch of an iron...but she had some comments about them reappearing with cold so I am gonna try them out...and then also wash the fabric and see if it truly does disappear totally

this is just a sneak dont get to see the rest until a week or so...until the person it was meant for gets it...well maybe a bit longer :)

1 comment:

paulette said...

I love those Jelly are going to have fun with those! I can't wait to read your review on the pens...hope they work out! Take care!