Friday, December 17, 2010


This car made me smile the antlers :) Wonder which of the reindeer drove to the library :) and wonder what book they were getting???

Next stop was the bowling alley...I haven't been bowling in forever! And I think it is something that I should have stayed away from :)

Several times the ball went the wrong way...and one time I went the wrong way too :) Am nursing my sore arm right now...thankful for Alleve and Advil...and have a massage scheduled for Monday to take care of the rest :)

This was the best game...and you can see the others I bowled with almost doubled my score....but you notice...that there was one was my one and only one...

Think I need to stick with the Wii least that one I can do easier :)

1 comment:

Jeanne said...

Those antlers are adorable! That's one festive driver. And I love that they go to the library. *Ü*

Hey, your score looks like MY score when I go bowling! LOL I used to be on a league when I was teaching. My team loved me for my handicap. LOL I'm sorry you hurt your arm though. Hope it feels mucho better, especially after a massage.

Yep, Wii bowling makes you feel like a superstar bowler! *Ü*

How are all the puppies doing?