Friday, October 1, 2010

October first far as technology is concerned....I AM NOT a techie...all these advances made since the Commodore 64 (am I dating myself?) are just of those things is the camera on a phone now a days that is almost as good as my I thot I would put it to the test as I have been wanting to go and see if the pickets I had gotten were up at the new local park....and once again refering to my older age :) I kept forgetting my camera...but I remembered one day that I have this handy dandy new phone that does everything except make dinner for you (altho you can order take out with it :)
So armed with my phone as my camera I set out on the mission to find the stakes I bought...this may sound like an easy task but there were hundreds of them...the community really stepped up to the plate and helped fund this playground with the purchase of these stakes. While I was there I counted one section of fence that had 13 stakes....and there are multiple sections of fence.....maybe some day when I have nothing better to do I will go and count the stakes....HA HA HA...right :)
Suffice it to say I found the three that I got in various places on the playground..this is such a cool idea :)

the chollars are wedged in between a bank and a commission

rusk is by the bees and the cats???

and the culbertson's are between kids

wow...sometimes i amaze myself :)


♥ Mary Janes TEAROOM said...

Hello Jackie,
Thank you for the kind birthday wishes.
I have just been looking at your adorable little dogs.You must have so much fun with them!
Susan x

Jeanne said...

Your camera DOES take great pictures. What a neat idea to get those stakes.

For the record, I do remember Commodore 64...I must be old, too. We'll be old together! LOL