Friday, October 8, 2010

Magnificent Obsession....

I was thinking today about things that I have lately "been into".....and thot of the stacks of things I have around my house right now...and the stacks keep growing :)
I am a fan of the library and have ordered a few books....ha on checking....I have 12 checked out and 11 on hold ;) and this doesn't count the books of my own that I am reading also :)
So today I thot I would take pictures of my stacks...and I kept finding stacks
Here is the stack on my bed

the stack beside my bed

the stack in my bathroom

the stack that hasn't made it to the bedroom yet

and the one that is in my car right now :)

at least I am reading at 5 of these at one time...maybe more...........I never read more than one book at a time normally but right now am working on several at a time....oh my achin brain :)

1 comment:

Jeanne said...

Okay, how do you keep all those straight? LOL But, I have to say, I completely understand as I just checked out a pretty good stack myself. I was just thinking, how in the world do I think I'm going to read all these! LOL But, it's fun nonetheless. Guess we can never say we have nothing to do, right? LOL