Saturday, August 7, 2010

Saying goodbye

Sometimes doing what I do gets hard to do the right thing...such is the case with my sweet Mindy Sue.
She has always been on the shyer side of the spectrum but usually not a problem when I send them home to their new owners and tell them to make sure and get the pup out and socialized with people and other I didn't really heed my own advice when I kept Mindy...I really should have gotten her out but she got car sick so I never wanted to stress her more...well on the advice of my vet and a good breeder friend I decided that maybe Mindy needed to go to some place less stressful for her....but in the mean time I started taking her out and meeting people and having people give her treats when they came to the house. A family contacted me about an older pup and I told them about Mindy and when they came to meet her Mindy went up to them and let each of them touch her...and she took treats from them. Even their little boy could pick her after much hard thot and some hard times of vacillating between letting her go and keeping her I told the people they could have of the hardest decisions that I have come up against lately with my dogs..usually I breed and have an ok time letting my older dogs go when their time here is motto is I can't add without subtracting so I use my last grooming time as a time to say goodbye to them and let them go to the good home that I have found....
So today was Mindy's last bath with me and my time to say goodbye...and it was a very sad time for me....I know she will be a happy girl with this family but I will miss her sweet face and happy disposition when at 'home'.
So I took a few pics of her and her friends before she goes to her new home..

will miss her curious side

with Cassidy one of her favorite playmates

Mindy and mama, Bailey. Mindy is a pure third generation mixing of generations with her :(

Mindy with Lucy her other favorite playmate

Goodbye sweet girl...I will miss you!!!!

1 comment:

Jeanne said...

Awwwww, I'm so sorry to hear that Mindy Sue isn't going to be a part of your clan anymore, but completely understand your reasoning. I hope she will be very happy in her new home. I'll definitely miss seeing her cute face!

Hope you aren't missing her too much by now.