Monday, August 9, 2010

Crazy? I was crazy once

Some people who know me think I am crazy...totally mentally unfit...seriously deranged. I so agree...I am totally crazily in love with my dogs....and I keep getting new ones to boot :) What kind of sicko person does that?
This is Rori Dee...she just got her middle name today so am trying it out. She actually was kinda still for some pictures so out came the camera and a short photo shoot ensued. She is quite photogenic if you can get her to sit still for a couple of seconds :)

now tell me...isn't that a face that you could only love????

and then in my defense......I do retire my dogs when they are done breeding and see that they get totally great homes where they are loved on and pampered....guess I am perpetually going to be potty training puppies :)

1 comment:

Jeanne said...

Your dogs are SO very lucky to have you! Your newest addition is so beautiful. I love how you can see their personalities in the photos. Enjoy her while you can!