Saturday, August 14, 2010

Leavenworth...the town.........

Today we went for a ride up to see some friends who live just past Leavenworth (A Bavarian town for those of you confused :) We stopped at one of the big fruit stands to see what they had that was irresistible...and that was a lot of fruit...who would ever guess that there are that many varieties of peaches and nectarines and plums........whew! Last time I had gone up there and gotten fruit I sampled a couple of each of the different kinds of nectarines they had...and ya know what??? They all tasted like nectarines...surprised?
Anyway the place we stopped is called Smallwood Harvest...

How come my petunias do not grow like this????? here is another I spy picture...there is something in this picture that doesn't belong...or seems like it doesn't belong... is a closer view...see it yet?

HA! This cat was asleep in the bin....he was so relaxed then petting him didn't even stir him very much..and yes that is a real, alive cat in a food bin for another view of the luscious fruit they had

I ended up with a box of peaches and a box of nectarines...gonna be eatin a lot of fruit here :)


Jeanne said...

What a pretty little town and a very relaxed big kitty! It was sure funny to see him snoozing in the food. Thank goodness it wasn't in the open food. LOL

If you find out about those petunias, pass along the tips as mine sure don't look like that either. Gorgeous.

I might be able to eat most of those nectarines, but would leave the peaches to someone else. hee, hee.

Have a great week, Jackie and thanks for sharing.

Jeanne said...
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