Friday, April 23, 2010

Vet day

Today these guys went to the vet for their first check up...and shot :(
All checked out perfect...they are so darn cute...they don't want to be in their bed anymore when they are awake..they want to be out and running around. They have learned how to do steps so no longer is the deck enough either....

this is Henry...stinkin cute!

and Mindy...she is staying right here with me :)

This girl doesn't have a forever name yet...Cocoa and Mocha are the ones being tossed around by her new parents

One more of Henry...he is so photogenic...hard to get a bad picture of him...Mindy on the other hand is hard to get a good one...maybe cuz she is always on the move? What am I getting myself into???


Jeanne said...

These puppies are sooooo cute! Love the names too! How cute that you put them in the hard was it to get them to stay in there? LOL I also really like the flowers on display behind them. *Ü*

Jose said...

Congrats on such a beautiful litter!
Love the look, color and the coat texture.