Sunday, April 4, 2010

Easter Shenanigans

Hope your Easter will filled with lots of love and happiness....ours as always was filled with that as well as shenanigans! Here is the Easter bunny in disguise of Pa....

everyone has to get into the shot...or at least is forced to get into the fun of it all...what you aren't seeing is the pictures being taken as i was trying to get up off this little step..and the girls trying to pull me up :)

part of the Easter feast...we were pretty healthy this year

Aaron got these ears put on him and he wore them for most of the rest of the day...and when he says "I want Peets" ...well he gets them....until mom says "enough!"

emma being very very very silly

the easter bunny look alike with his mom

I missed the picture of him standing at the mirror on the right looking at himself with the bunny ears on

the photographer with a very large bird on her head :)

Some people will hide an egg anywhere if you are sitting comfortably

The hunt...

the stash..minus what was already consumed

evidence of a good time

this is one of Aaron's new favorite things to do...he will eat an apple that he has peeled and cut with this handy dandy slicer/peeler

Takes more than one way to outsmart an autistic boy into eating good food :) didn't get pictures of the amount of candy he consumed first :)

Thanks for sharing our day with us...we had a good time and ate lots :)


joscelyne cutchens said...

we love our little apple peeler thing too! :) Looks like you all had a great time, I hope noel survived that bird attack ;)
cutie pies!

Constance said...

The pictures are wonderful and you all look great. We still miss you bunches down here. Much love! He is Risen!!!!!!!!!!!!! Con

Carol said...

Love your Easter photos Jackie. Looks like great fun.
We have one of those apple thingys, that I haven't got out in ages, must do that.

Jeanne said...

What a wonderful Easter you had! Fabulous photos to remember it. You should digi scrap them! (Remember that? I sort of do...LOL)

That was some big feather flower on Noel's head, but she pulled it off wonderfully. Love the egg that showed up there.

I don't have an apple peeler, but I'll bet it'd be a big hit in our house!

Thanks so much for sharing. I noticed no you put them elsewhere when the whole family is together or did they just not make it into the photos?