Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Why is it always darkest....

Why is it always darkest..or messiest before it gets clean? Stacks and piles and trash cans full...

I took my sewing machine into have its annual---or somewhat annual---cleaning...after the beating I gave it with those curtains and stage skirt thot it would be a good idea. Well I figured while I was without my machine I would straighten and organize all the stuff I have...there are so many things that I know I have and have no idea where they are....so hence the decision to clean up and organize....bags ready to donate, questions put out on facebook to see if people are interested in what is left over and no longer needed by me :)

Then the piles began....so right now it is unorganized and all over the room but it is on its way to being easily accessible and convenient! WOOHOO!
So here are a couple of pics of the piles right now...maybe there will be a follow up pic of the organized part :)

my mother was a worse packrat than I am...in the cans below there were things that I just took from her house years ago and have never gone thru....pieces of elastic with no elasticity, pins from shirts when they used to pin men's collars down, lonely buttons, a plastic hook that they use to hang socks on a display...and various other weird things that are now in the trash can and what can still be used are in their proper places :)
One can down another one to go :)


noel joy said...

good for you. wanna come to my house when you're done?

we do have a thing that says, "it's always darkest... just before it goes pitch black." just thought that might encourage you. lol

and btw, you're no where near grandma!

Jeanne said...

There is comfort in knowing you aren't alone, too. Thank goodness!

Good for you for tackling such a big job. I know you can do it! And please, please, please share the nicely organized space when you are done...it'll be SO encouraging.

How do you store your fabric and yarn? I'm really curious!