Monday, January 18, 2010

Geez Louise

why is it that I am always feeling behind in my blogging? I catch up and promise myself that I will stay caught up and then life gets away from me and whoosh....weeks pass by...well not that much time this time but enough to make me realize the I haven't kept up. How's come life goes by so fast the older you get? I can't believe the things I fit into a day and then wonder why I am tired at the end of the day...and it really seems like nothing is done or accomplished. Oh well...guess the thing to do is just keep pluggin away while the Good Lord gives me breath and go on from there...

I really need to update my blogger heading too as I no longer have most of these dogs...they have been replaced with other who are now my doggies and should rightfully have their pictures up there...maybe I should switch and do my grandkids instead? or my kids? I don't want them whining that I love my dogs more than I do them :)

One project I actually finished today was a crocheted blanket for my niece who is having a baby in April. My mother always used to do that and with her no longer with us I need to pick up the ball so I found this pattern...I really wanted it in a more off white color and seeing as I ordered it online I got a much whiter color than I wanted...the blanket in the pattern is an off white with a brown ribbon and really looked classy...well this one is white whit a dark blue ribbon and looks nice but not classy like I wanted....

Well for me it is late so will sign off this thing and go to read for a bit before I fall into the land of slumber...night night to all

1 comment:

Jeanne said...

Ooohhhhh, I love it! It looks classy to me and oh so snuggly!

Try not to worry about blogging. Just do it when you can. It's supposed to be fun, not self imposed pressure. *Ü*
