Tuesday, January 26, 2010


It is coming together...slowly but surely this room is getting in shape....I cannot believe the amount of boxes and bins that I have gone through and sent to appropriate places...whether that is to one of the girls or thrift store or trash can...hum...wonder if I could write a movie script...Confessions of a Packrat??? Or maybe...Someday I am gonna use that :) So anyway...here are some pictures of the progress made.
This first pic is of the closet...was going to get Ikea shelves in there...kinda the cubbie ones but decided that what I had really would work. The wire drawers were all gone through and stuff I wasn't going to EVER use was put in a bag and taken today to a local quilt group to make scrap quilts for Project Linus....they get nice material and I get room :)

Here is the other half of the closet....oooohhhh purty :) You can see by the mirrored doors on the closet that there is still stuff to find places for...but the progress made is incredible :)

then my project today was to label all these bins with what is in them...and a quick trip to the dollar store for a couple of more bins to fit in those places where the large bins wouldn't fit...amazingly I should be able to find anything I want now :) Still have to find my thimbles cuz I haven't run across them yet....

there is still another cupboard like this one with material and doggie stuff to go thru...and my sewing machine cabinet drawer is going to get a cleaning also....and then at the end of the week I should be getting my nice clean machine back ready to start more projects :) woohoo!

1 comment:

Jeanne said...

Look at you go! This is awesome! Keep up the great work!