Sunday, September 14, 2008

Two very new cool things.

At least they were both new to me. The first one is Wordle which is a site for making your words into word art. It is so smooth and slick that it takes only some text and voila you have word art. I learned this little trick from Jessica at the Type-Writer course..maybe I shouldn't share it but I thot it was too cool to not ;) Specially when Noel reads this and hasn't heard about it yet :)

The words in this are used from this blog post, copied and pasted in Wordle.

The second very cool thing that I found from one of the Pickleberry Pop site was this Palette Generator from Big Huge Labs. It takes a picture that you want in your layout and gives you a color palette to work for those who are color challenged like I am it gives hope to the weary of making your layout blend nicely with the colors.

There is also Kuler who puts out color palettes for you to chose from but this is have fun experimenting with these fun new things that I found. I did :)

1 comment:

noel joy said...

cool. man... look at you finding all of this and waiting till i'm on your blog to find it! :)