Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Reuse, Recycle, Repurpose

I am by no means a "green" lover....not what green has come to mean but the color green...at least for a main color....but I had couch covers that had gotten a bit.......worn? Well they got replaced with white covers.......YIKES...white with my dogs? well there are scat mats so they don't get on them but they are washable and really not too bad......honestly...the navy showed way more than the white does :)
Anyway..I digress.......I had navy couch covers that were a bit chewed on the ends...oh did I just say that? Long story but I learn my lesson in feeding my dogs and gradually decreasing their food after a litter of pups........fabric isn't a good filler :)
Yesterday was the day to take the love seat covers and redo them into chair covers..........and fix the corners that were taken out by my mistakes......first they had to be made smaller...had just had one thrown over the chair cuz as you can see my dogs use those chairs........but always wanted to make them 'fit' instead of just thrown over............
the back pillows on these chairs aren't on them cuz they get sat upon and squished...not that it would really matter cuz these are really dog chairs not people chairs...........
So here are the finished products........I basically just cut the love seat cover and sewed a seam down the middle....and then redid the corners

this one got a ruffle

and this one got fixed box corners......

altho not perfect it will do for the dogs...and look better when people come over to the house.......altho...anyone reading my blog and thinking about pups might think twice about my fabric eating dogs..........
But hopefully that is a fixed 'trait' as I now know why it was getting chomped on as a filler snack :)


StitchinByTheLake said...

You are much braver than me! I don't think I would have tried that...and it looks great! blessings, marlene

paulette said...

The dogs seem to like the re-do...and that's the main thing! :o) Looks great to me too!

Dumpster Dude said...

Quite an refreshing look,Looks great!!