Saturday, July 31, 2010

cataloger of events

I love my is the self appointed cataloger of events :) So we got this deck installed and now we needed to finish the sides of it...we had an ex-pen around it to keep the pups on the deck and it was a good needed a finish job on it and my husband wanted something where you could set drinks response... "??????" (interpretation...why? cuz we entertain that much that the few tables that we have can't hold drinks?) But I digress!
We surprisingly agreed on what we wanted the finished product to look like and then it was time for my "cabana" boy to go to work bringing that to fruition :)
This is kind of a before picture (already I am falling down on my job) This is the opposite side that he started on but it shows the deck and the posts up ready for the spray painted 'fencing' to go doesn't show the bush he took out to get to it... oh well...sacrifices need to be made sometimes...altho it could have been trimmed instead of hacked off totally....... :( At least he didn't "prune" the other one....and yes...bushes were harmed to make this come true :)

showing Dave hard at work putting the finishing touches on one side

duh...where does this go again?

takes lots of concentration to make a cut with a circular saw...can't notice it that much but you can see a tiny bit of bump on his head.......apparently when you are getting wood big metal things that hold that wood do not want to move out of the way or give any when a head is moving toward them

here is a better pic of the bump...didn't get a picture of the thumb that he had injured earlier in the week... :)

here is the side done :) WHOOPEE!

more to come when it is totally done...and with the flowers back on the deck :)

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