Sunday, March 7, 2010

Lovely surprise

Some times you can see something and not really see it :) I walked out to let the pups go potty and happened to glance to the side and saw that these pretty little tulips had come up...they weren't there a few hours ago...or at least I didn't see them a few hours ago. Last time I looked they were just tiny buds not even close to ready to show color....hum sounds like I need to make a trip to Roozengaarde , the local place to go and see tulips, soon

here is one nestled in the pansies that weren't there earlier either

I love when my dogs sleep close to one is Cody trying to snuggle next to Lucy who was already asleep till he came up

soon both were settled and nicely napping


Sara Alexander said...

Oh my goodness, Findley looks so much like his mamma Lucy in those pics! So precious.


Jeanne said...

The flowers are beautiful and a great reminder that spring is indeed on its way!

The dogs are precious. Love how they snuggle up to each other.

Thanks for sharing!