Monday, March 29, 2010


My brilliant idea worked! Now to work it into a pattern for either a dress or a skirt...not sure which yet...I can't believe that no one has tried this yet

Here is a closeup of what I did...ruffles in knitting...what a concept :) Can't wait to get it into a pattern and block it too...too cheap with the yarn...already pulled it out and working on something else...then back to the ruffles :)


Jeanne said...

Yay, Jackie! This is wonderful. I can't believe you already pulled it out. I would sit and admire my brilliance for a bit, first. LOL You are very talented!!

Dawn said...

well...who are multi-talented!!! Wonderful!!

Deb M said...

If you increase a stitch every 2-3 stitches in every row, you'll get a ruffle that wags back and forth like a victorian ruff collar