Saturday, March 20, 2010

First day of spring

Well the weather man said it was supposed to get warm today...almost borderline HOT if you live in Washington...70+...however when I checked the compy for weather did it for Camano which was way different than was overcast and a bit cold...or was that because I forgot to put on my jacket???

I love this bike trail....most of all cuz it is flat and short :)

we are at the temporary end...someone decided to set the bridge across the water on fire...ok...and my question is WHY????

Who thinks it is a fun thing to do to set a bridge on fire? What sick mind decides..."Oh today I am gonna set that walking/biking bridge on fire..that show those hikers and bikers" The most fun part of the trail is going across the water on this bridge..........gee whiz wierdos....comeon

Kids didn't seem effected by it at all...the enjoyed the stop and took the time to send rocks into the water...and do they ever throw like girls :)

Cousins sitting on the rocks

Madison hasn't perfected the "picture" smile yet....more like duh what?

Cameron was a trooper...he had made up most of his mind that he wouldn't be able to do this...but he survived the entire trip :)

plethora of bikes

and the lunch at KFC/Taco Bell at the end of the ride....maybe it was just to warm back up after that ride we took....

1 comment:

Jeanne said...

What a wonderful way to celebrate the first day of spring! Love the photos.

I cannot believe some idiot would set fire to a bridge. That's awful! I'm glad it didn't seem to bother the kids, but really!

It's just the same feeling when I think of the news story my hubby told me about, someone stealing $400 from the Girl Scouts selling cookies outside a store recently.

Some people are just plain mean!

I hope you have a great day today, Jackie!