Tuesday, February 10, 2009

More Puppies

I wish I was good at journaling..it is always so hard to put down words that go along with any pictures...some of you are so good at words and have lovely blogs that express wonderful emotions in word pictures......me..........well............what can I say..........I do better on the fly than trying to figure out what to say in these posts
Here are some pictures of the puppies that I got today while I tried to get my picture of the day. I chose the first one because I like the composition of it best :) The pups are 6+ weeks old and love to go outside and play....matter of fact there is a symphony of noise when they want outside and it is either take them outside of listen to them complain for quite a while..guess which one I normally choose :)

1 comment:

Jeanne said...

I just LOVE puppy faces! And it's a great way to start my day...seeing them!

You do just fine with your journaling. Just speak from your heart and don't try to be anyone else but you. Your love of the puppies (and family) shines through!