Friday, December 26, 2008

Time to move on

Christmas is over and now it is time to move on to the new year. I can't believe it is almost 2009. Where did the time go? My kids are grown with kids of their own (well half of them have kids of their own) My grandkids are getting to be mini-adults and still time rushes on. How fast and fleeting are the days...grownups wanting to be children again and children wanting to rush into adulthood. Ah..the precious present to in the here and now and not wanting things to be different than what they are. Ha...easy to say very hard to live that way. Soon it will be time to change my word of the year. It was relax and I think the new year needs something different....I still have a few days to think of what that might be.

Till then here are a couple of picture from Christmas...

Stan and Noel made this picture for I have to find a cool place to hang it in the house...I have a chocolate wall that it would look great on but that means moving the pastel pictures of my kids when they were young...hum....

And this greeted me when I walked into Noel's house on Christmas. There is a story behind this...this is not the original but a newly made copy. When Danica was in 5th grade she made a corn husk doll. One day she got very mad at me and hung it from the balconey of the house we lived in. That one only said "MOM" on it....I so wish I had saved that little corn husk doll with it's nametag...I would have liked to give it to Madison, Danica's daughter, who is just like her. Maybe someday this one will show up at Danica's house hanging from they don't have a balconey to hang it appropriately from :)
Merry Christmas all...Happy new year

1 comment:

Unknown said...

That painting is very cool.

Happy New Year!