Saturday, August 30, 2008

Car Wash

Today there was a car wash sponsored by the local Starbucks and Stanwood Firefighters. What a turnout and the response from the community was GREAT!!!!! Starbucks donated $$ for everyone who worked and then the monies collected went to Aaron's dog. So the goal for his dog is almost met. He actually picked up the sponge and washed a car :) And Bond was there...his hopefully soon to be dog who will be starting specialized training in October for Aaron's needs.

This kit I got over at Plain Digital Wrapper in support of a nephew of one of the designers who also has autism. The kit was $5.oo and loaded with stuff. So if you are feeling the need to buy something hop on over and pick up the kit and support autism research.

1 comment:

Jeanne said...

Wonderful! What a great layout showing the day!