Wednesday, January 4, 2012

what started it......

Some days my "job" is so much fun..............not that I really do much...but man can I pick up puppy poop quickly...before they all come to me and jump into it and all over me :)
A little boy came with his family and got to pick a puppy...he was sad that he couldn't take Lucky home with him.......I get emails from him all the time telling me how he misses his puppy....Then....I got this

SO I sent him a letter back and sent him this photo...thot he would enjoy getting a physical picture of the pup he CAN'T wait to bring home

Meanwhile, in another cage, another pup..................she has learned a new to scale the walls of her 'enclosure' and jump out...or into another cage :) Naughty puppy ;)


paulette said...

Oh my gosh...I love it when you show puppy pictures!! Lucky little boy...or is that Lucky the puppy!! The escaping little puppy reminds me of Rylie yesterday. We have our trailer fenced so that the dogs can come and I am sewing away...and can hear a dog barking. I said to Rick, "gee that dog sounds like Rylie but it's too far away"...bells go off!! BORN FREE! Yup...she was down the wash 'exploring'! Too funny...thank goodness she comes to her squeak toy! Flew across that wash! Too cute! Wonder if the neighbours think so? To know her is to love her!! haha
Take care and happy poopy scooping!!

♥ Mary Janes TEAROOM said...

Your little pups are adorable the photos!
Hope you have had a wonderful start to 2012,
Susan x